Can You Spray Tan After Waxing Dos and Donts

You might have recently had a waxing appointment and are now considering adding a little sun-kissed glow to your skin with a spray tan. The question is, is it okay to have a spray tan right after waxing? You must be wondering if it could lead to uneven tan or skin irritation.

The general rule of thumb is to wait at least 24 hours after waxing before getting a spray tan. This allows your skin to recover and any potential redness or irritation to subside. It also allows your pores to close, which is important because open pores can lead to a spotty or uneven tan.

There are a few more aspects you should consider for achieving that perfect, even tan, and maintaining radiant, healthy skin. These range from pre-tan preparation to post-tan care tips. Keep reading, as we explore the do’s and don’ts of spray tanning after waxing, along with other useful tips for that flawless sun-kissed look you’re aiming for.

Can You Spray Tan Right After Waxing?

Is it safe to get a spray tan immediately after waxing?

Getting a spray tan immediately after a tanning session or sugaring may not be the best idea for your skin. It’s important to consider the potential risks of combining these treatments too closely together, as it could result in uneven spots.

Understand the potential risks of combining these two treatments too closely together.

Combining tanner and sugaring back-to-back can lead to unwanted pain. Sugaring opens up your pores and can make your skin more sensitive, increasing the risk of irritation or even an allergic reaction when you apply tanner right away.

Learn about the recommended waiting period between waxing and spray tanning.

To ensure a safer tanning session, it is generally recommended to wait at least 24-48 hours between waxing and getting a spray tan. This waiting period allows your skin enough time to recover from any potential redness or irritation caused by the waxing process, ensuring a better tanner experience.

Discover alternative options if you can’t wait to get your tan.

If you simply can’t wait for your tan but have recently waxed, there are alternative options available such as spray tans or using a tanner.

  • Consider using self-tanning products: Self-tanners come in various forms such as lotions, sprays, or mousses. They allow you to achieve a bronzed look without having to expose your freshly-waxed skin to any potential risks.
  • Opt for gradual spray tans: Gradual spray tanning products offer a subtle build-up of color over time. These are ideal if you want a more natural-looking tan and don’t mind applying them daily until your skin has fully recovered from waxing.
  • If you’re unsure about the right course of action regarding wax or tanner, it’s always best to consult with a professional esthetician who can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

By following these guidelines and considering the safety precautions, you can ensure a beautiful and healthy tan without any unnecessary risks. Additionally, incorporating wax into your tanning routine can further enhance the overall results.

Benefits of Waxing Before Spray Tanning

Waxing before spray tanning offers several advantages that can lead to better results. By exploring these benefits, you’ll understand why many professionals recommend scheduling your waxing session prior to getting a spray tan.

Smooth Canvas for Even Application

When you wax your skin before spray tanning, it provides a smooth canvas for the tanning solution. By removing hair through waxing, you eliminate any potential obstacles that could hinder an even application. This ensures that the tanning solution spreads evenly across your skin, resulting in a more natural and uniform tan.

Prevention of Patchy or Uneven Color

One of the main reasons to wax before spray tanning is to prevent patchy or uneven color development. When you have hair on your skin, it can interfere with the absorption and distribution of the tanning solution. Waxing removes this barrier, allowing the solution to penetrate your skin more effectively and produce a consistent tan without any unsightly patches.

Enhanced Longevity of Your Tan

By waxing before spray tanning, you also help prolong the longevity of your tan. Since waxed skin provides a clean surface for the tanning solution to adhere to, it tends to last longer compared to areas with residual hair growth. This means you can enjoy your sun-kissed glow for an extended period without worrying about premature fading.

Wax or Tan First? Which Comes First for the Best Results?

  • Understand the debate on whether to wax or tan first for optimal outcomes.
  • Explore different perspectives on this topic from experts in the industry. Whether you’re looking for the best wax or need to schedule a spray tan appointment, our experts have you covered.
  • Consider factors such as skin sensitivity, desired hair removal results, tanning preferences, and wax treatment when deciding which treatment should come first.
  • Make an informed decision for your wax or spray tan appointment based on your individual needs and preferences.

One question that often arises is whether to wax or tan first. Let’s dive into this debate and explore the do’s and don’ts of combining these two treatments for the best results.

To begin with, let’s consider what experts in the industry have to say. Some argue that waxing before tanning allows for a smoother application of self-tanner or spray tan since there are no unwanted hairs in the way. On the other hand, some professionals suggest that tanning before waxing can help protect freshly waxed skin from potential irritation caused by UV exposure.

However, when making this decision, it’s crucial to take into account your unique circumstances. If you have sensitive skin prone to redness or irritation after waxing, tanning beforehand might be more suitable as it can provide a protective barrier between your skin and any potential post-waxing discomfort. Conversely, if you prioritize achieving long-lasting hair removal results, then opting for waxing prior to tanning could be beneficial.

Ultimately, it all boils down to personal preference. Consider what matters most to you – smooth hairless skin from waxing or a sun-kissed glow – and make an informed choice accordingly. Remember that everyone’s needs vary, so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer.

Achieving the Perfect Wax and Tan Combination

Coordinating your waxing and spray tanning appointments effectively is essential for achieving seamless results with both treatments. Timing plays a crucial role in ensuring that your skin is properly prepared for the tan after waxing. Communicating with your esthetician or technician is key to successfully combining these services.

To achieve long-lasting results with wax, it’s important to follow these do’s and don’ts.

  1. Do schedule your waxing appointment before your spray tan: It’s best to get waxed at least 24 hours prior to your tanning session. This allows any redness or irritation from the hair removal process to subside, ensuring a smooth canvas for the tan.
  2. Don’t use tanning beds or sun exposure immediately after waxing: Your freshly waxed skin is more sensitive and prone to damage from UV rays. Wait at least 48 hours before exposing your skin to the sun or using tanning beds.
  3. Do exfoliate before both treatments: Gentle exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, allowing the tan to adhere evenly and preventing any unwanted patchiness. Use a gentle scrub or exfoliating mitt in the shower before each appointment.
  4. Don’t apply any products on freshly waxed skin: Avoid using lotions, oils, or creams immediately after waxing as they can clog pores and cause irritation. Opt for loose-fitting clothing and avoid activities that may cause sweating.
  5. Do maintain both treatments properly: After getting a spray tan, moisturize daily with a hydrating lotion to prolong its longevity. For waxing maintenance, prevent ingrown hairs by regularly exfoliating and moisturizing the treated areas.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a beautiful glow while maintaining smooth, hair-free skin without any brown spots or irritation. Remember, effective communication with your esthetician or technician will ensure that both your waxing and tanning appointments are tailored to your specific needs.

Proper Exfoliation for a Flawless Spray Tan

Exfoliating your skin before getting a spray tan is essential to achieve that flawless, sun-kissed glow. By removing dead skin cells and preparing your skin properly, you can ensure an even application and long-lasting results. Let’s dive into the do’s and don’ts of exfoliation for a perfect spray tan. Additionally, it is important to avoid waxing right before your spray tan to prevent uneven color or patchiness.

Understand the importance of exfoliating before getting a spray tan.

Exfoliation is key to achieving a flawless spray tan because it helps remove any dry or flaky patches on your skin. This allows the tanning solution, wax, to be applied evenly, resulting in a natural-looking tan. Without proper exfoliation, the tanning product may cling to rough areas, leading to an uneven finish.

Learn about different exfoliation methods and their effectiveness in preparing your skin.

There are various methods you can use to exfoliate your skin before a spray tan, including wax. Here are some wax options.

  • Body scrubs with gentle ingredients like sugar or salt can effectively slough off dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and renewed. Adding wax to these body scrubs can enhance their exfoliating properties.
  • Exfoliating gloves or brushes with wax: These wax tools help buff away impurities and promote smoother skin.
  • Chemical exfoliants, such as products containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), can dissolve dead skin cells and provide a deeper exfoliation. These products are effective in removing dead skin cells by breaking down the bonds between the cells.

Discover why gentle exfoliation is crucial to remove dead skin cells and ensure an even tan application.

Gentle wax exfoliation is crucial because it removes dead skin cells without causing irritation or redness. Harsh scrubbing or abrasive wax products can damage your skin’s barrier, leading to sensitivity and patchy tanning results. Opting for mild wax exfoliants ensures that your skin remains healthy while creating an ideal canvas for the spray tan solution.

Get tips on when and how to exfoliate properly before your spray tanning session.

To effectively exfoliate before your spray tan, follow these steps using wax.

  1. Timing: Exfoliate 24 to 48 hours before your scheduled tanning session. This allows your skin to recover and ensures optimal absorption of the tanning solution.
  2. Technique: Gently massage the exfoliant onto damp skin using circular motions. Pay extra attention to areas prone to dryness, such as elbows, knees, and ankles.
  3. Rinse thoroughly: After exfoliating, rinse off the scrub or product completely to remove any residue that could interfere with the spray tan application.
  4. Moisturize lightly: Apply a light moisturizer after exfoliation to keep your skin hydrated without creating a barrier that may hinder the tanning process.


In conclusion, preparing your skin properly before a spray tan session is crucial for achieving the best results. By following a few simple do’s and don’ts, you can ensure that your tan is flawless and long-lasting.

Firstly, it is not recommended to spray tan immediately after waxing. This is because waxing removes the top layer of dead skin cells, which can leave your skin more sensitive and prone to irritation. It’s best to wait at least 24 hours before getting a spray tan after waxing.

However, there are benefits to waxing before spray tanning. Waxing helps to remove any unwanted hair and exfoliates the skin, creating a smooth surface for the spray tan solution to adhere to. This can result in a more even and natural-looking tan.

The order in which you perform these treatments also matters. To achieve the best results, it is generally recommended to wax first and then get a spray tan. This allows for proper exfoliation and ensures that the spray tan solution can penetrate evenly into the skin.

To maintain your waxed and tanned combination, proper exfoliation is key. Regularly exfoliating your skin before each spray tan session helps to remove dead skin cells and prolongs the life of your tan.

In summary, by following these do’s and don’tsYou can achieve a beautiful and long-lasting glow without any unwanted side effects or patchiness.

Remember to consult with a professional if you have any concerns or specific questions about your individual circumstances. Now go ahead and enjoy that radiant sun-kissed look!


Can I shave instead of waxing before my spray tan?

Yes, shaving is an alternative option if you prefer not to wax before getting a spray tan. However, keep in mind that shaving exfoliates the skin differently than waxing does. Make sure to shave at least 24 hours before your spray tan session to allow the skin to recover and avoid any potential irritation.

How often should I exfoliate my skin before a spray tan?

It is recommended to exfoliate your skin 24-48 hours before each spray tan session. This helps to remove dead skin cells and create a smooth surface for the tan solution. Avoid exfoliating immediately before your appointment as it may cause skin sensitivity.

Can I use self-tanning products after waxing instead of getting a spray tan?

Yes, you can certainly use self-tanning products after waxing if you prefer not to get a spray tan. Self-tanners offer a convenient at-home option for achieving a bronzed look. Just make sure to follow the instructions carefully and exfoliate beforehand for best results.

What should I do if my waxing appointment is scheduled right before my spray tan?

If you have already booked a waxing appointment close to your spray tan session, it’s essential to communicate this with both the waxing technician and the tanning professional. They may be able to provide specific guidance or adjust the timing accordingly for optimal results.

Can I get a spray tan on freshly-waxed eyebrows or upper lip?

It is generally not recommended to get a spray tan on freshly-waxed areas such as eyebrows or upper lip. These areas tend to be more sensitive, and the chemicals in the tanning solution could potentially cause irritation or discoloration. It’s best to wait until any redness or sensitivity has subsided before getting a spray tan in these areas.

How long should I wait after waxing before applying any lotions or oils?

After waxing, it is advisable to wait at least 24 hours before applying any lotions or oils on the treated area.

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