Brown Spots After Spray Tan Avoiding Common Mistakes

When it comes to achieving that perfect sun-kissed glow without the harmful UV rays, spray tanning has become a popular choice. However, not every spray tan experience delivers the flawless, even color you might expect. Have you noticed unsightly brown spots appearing after your spray tan session? You’re not alone. This can be a common occurrence, but the reasons behind it might surprise you.

The primary cause for the appearance of brown spots after a spray tan is often related to the skin’s natural exfoliation process. If the skin wasn’t properly exfoliated before the tanning session, the solution can adhere unevenly, leading to darker patches or spots. Additionally, the spray tan can react with residual products on the skin like lotions, perfumes, or deodorants leading to discoloration. Lastly, sweating or coming into contact with water before the tan has fully developed can also result in uneven coloration.

Brown spots after a spray tan could be due to a number of factors, such as:

  • over-application of the tanning solution, causing it to collect and darken in certain areas
  • your skin’s natural dryness; dry patches can absorb more tanning solution, resulting in darker spots
  • certain products or medications that react with the tanning solution and cause discoloration
  • not exfoliating properly before your session leading to uneven results

But don’t let this deter you from enjoying your future spray tanning experiences. There are steps you can take to prevent these issues from occurring again. From pre-tan skin prep to post-tan care and maintenance, I have plenty of tips and tricks to share with you. So if you’re curious about how to achieve a beautifully even and long-lasting spray tan, keep reading as we talk a little more about spray tanning.

Causes of Brown Spots During Spray Tanning

Uneven application:

  • Application of self tanner spray may not evenly distribute the tanning solution, resulting in brown spots on the face and skin. To avoid this, use self tanner drops instead.

Overlapping sprays or excessive product:

  • Overlapping sprays or using too much product in certain areas can lead to concentrated pigment, resulting in dark spots or fake tan dots.

pH level of the skin:

  • The pH level of the skin can affect how the self tanner spray reacts on the face, potentially causing dark brown spots.

Common Mistakes Leading to Brown Spots After a Spray Tan

Applying moisturizers or lotions before a self tanner can create barriers that cause uneven absorption and result in brown spots. This is especially important when doing home tanning, as the face is a common area that needs special attention. To fix this issue, it is best to avoid using any products on the face prior to applying the self tanner.

Failure to properly exfoliate prior to using self tanner can result in patchy areas, potential spotting, and the appearance of dark spots or age spots.

Not following post-spray tanning care instructions, such as avoiding excessive sweating or showering too soon, may contribute to the development of dark spots.

Correcting Tanning Practices to Avoid Brown Spots

Properly preparing the skin for self tanner is crucial to achieving a flawless tan without any brown spots. By exfoliating the face before applying the spray or cream, you can prevent uneven tanning and spotting. Remember to exfoliate your skin before applying any tanning solution or cream to fix any issues.

To further avoid brown spots while using tanning products, it’s essential to apply barrier creams or petroleum jelly on dry areas such as elbows, knees, and ankles. These areas tend to absorb the tanner more easily, resulting in darkening and pigmentation. Applying a thin layer of barrier cream will help prevent excessive absorption and potential spotting on the feet.

When applying the tanner, fix any uneven application by using smooth, sweeping motions. This technique helps blend the product for a natural-looking tan. Be mindful of your clients’ skin tone and adjust the amount of tanning solution or cream accordingly.

Remember that overexposure to UV rays can also lead to spot formation on the skin. To fix tan lines or dark patches caused by sun exposure, consider these tips for spray tanning. Use a tanner to even out the color on your feet and other areas. This will help ensure that your client’s skin looks flawless and natural.

  1. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF before going out in the sun for spray tanning, self tan, rapid tan, and spray tan service.
  2. Use self-tanners instead of exposing your skin directly to UV rays from tanning beds. Spray self-tanners are a great alternative for clients who want to fix their tan without damaging their feet.
  3. If you notice any dark spots or patches after sun exposure from spray tanning, treat them with spot-correcting creams containing ingredients like vitamin C or retinol to fix your fake tan.

By following these corrective measures and adopting responsible tanning practices, you can fix and use spray tanner to enjoy a beautiful tan without worrying about unsightly brown spots or uneven pigmentation.

Now that we’ve covered how to fix tanning practices, let’s move on to some helpful tips for maintaining your tan for longer periods! Whether you’re a spray tan client or a natural tanner, these tips will help you keep your tan looking fresh.

Solutions to Lighten and Prevent Brown Spots

Applying lemon juice or diluted vinegar can fix existing brown spots on the client’s skin. Regularly moisturizing after a spray tan is important for hydrated feet, reducing dry patches that could lead to spotting. Opting for gradual self-tanners instead of traditional spray tans can provide a more controlled and even color, minimizing the risk of brown spots.

  • Try applying lemon juice or diluted vinegar to help fade brown spots over time. These natural lightening properties can gradually reduce the visibility of spray tanning or fake tan spots. Gently dabbing these solutions onto the affected areas may fix their appearance.
  • Keep your skin moisturized to fix dry patches on the feet. Dry patches on the skin can contribute to the development of brown spots. By regularly moisturizing your skin after a tanner, you can keep it hydrated and reduce the likelihood of dry patches forming for the client.
  • Consider using gradual self-tanners to fix uneven color distribution on your client’s feet. Traditional spray tans can sometimes result in the formation of brown spots. Opting for gradual self-tanners allows for a more controlled and even application, ensuring a fix for your client’s feet.
  • To avoid developing brown spots, it is important to avoid applying excessive solution during a spray tan session. Follow the instructions provided by the tanner or seek professional guidance from a client to ensure proper application on the feet.
  • Protect your skin from sun exposure and maintain a natural-looking tan with spray tanning. Sun exposure can intensify pigmentation issues like dark spots, age spots, freckles, and melasma. To prevent further darkening or new spot formation, always wear sunscreen with adequate SPF when spending time outdoors. Consider using a spray tan solution or visiting a spray tan service for a safe and effective alternative to harmful UV rays.

By following these solutions and taking necessary precautions, you can lighten existing brown spots and minimize their occurrence after a spray tan. Remember to consult with a skincare professional if you have any concerns or persistent issues with brown spots on your skin. It’s important to address these concerns for the satisfaction of our valued client.

Importance of Pre-Tan Preparation for Spot-Free Results

Thoroughly exfoliating the skin before a spray tan is important for our client. It helps remove dead cells and ensures an even application, reducing the likelihood of brown spots. When our client exfoliates, they’re essentially getting rid of any rough patches or dryness on their skin, creating a smooth canvas for the spray tan to adhere to.

Avoiding moisturizers or oils on the day of your client appointment is crucial. These products can create barriers that interfere with proper absorption and lead to spotting. By keeping your client’s skin free from moisturizers and oils, you allow the spray tan solution to penetrate evenly, resulting in a more flawless and spot-free finish for your client.

Shaving or waxing at least 24 hours before the client’s tanning session is another important step in pre-tan preparation. Doing so allows any potential irritation from hair removal to subside, ensuring a smoother application for the client. If the client shaves or waxes too close to their tanning session, it may cause redness or bumps that could affect how the spray tan appears on their skin.

Conclusion: Achieving a Flawless and Spotless Spray Tan

In conclusion, achieving a flawless and spotless spray tan is possible with the right knowledge and practices. By understanding the causes of brown spots during spray tanning, you can take steps to avoid them. Common mistakes such as improper exfoliation or using certain products before your tan can lead to unwanted spots, but by correcting these tanning practices, you can minimize their occurrence.

To lighten and prevent brown spots, using spray products specifically designed for clients can help even out your tan. Ensuring proper pre-tan preparation is essential for spot-free results. This includes exfoliating your skin thoroughly and avoiding any lotions or oils that may create barriers between your skin and the tanning solution.

Remember, consistency is key when using spray tanning products. Maintaining a regular tanning routine will help you achieve long-lasting results without any unsightly spots. Don’t forget to moisturize daily to keep your skin hydrated and extend the life of your tan for a satisfied client.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a flawless and spotless spray tan every time. Embrace the confidence that comes with beautifully bronzed skin without worrying about those pesky brown spots. These tips will ensure that you have a flawless and spotless spray tan every time you visit our salon as our valued client.


How long do brown spots after a spray tan typically last?

Brown spots after a spray tan can vary in duration depending on individual factors such as the client’s skincare routine and exfoliation habits. In most cases, these spots should fade within one to two weeks as the client’s skin naturally sheds dead cells.

Can I apply self-tanner over brown spots?

Yes, spray self-tanner can be applied over brown spots. However, it’s important to note that this may not completely camouflage them. It’s best for the client to focus on preventing future brown spots through proper tanning techniques rather than relying solely on self-tanner to cover them up.

Are certain skin types more prone to brown spots after a spray tan?

While anyone can experience brown spots after a spray tan, clients with dry or dehydrated skin may be more susceptible. Properly moisturizing your client’s skin before and after their tanning session can help minimize the occurrence of brown spots.

Can I exfoliate my skin immediately after a spray tan to remove brown spots?

It is not recommended for clients to exfoliate their skin immediately after a spray tan as this can disrupt the development of the tan and potentially worsen any existing brown spots. Wait at least 24 hours before gently exfoliating to avoid adverse effects.

Are there any products that can help fade existing brown spots?

There are various spray products available in the market that claim to lighten and fade brown spots. Look for ingredients such as glycolic acid, kojic acid, or vitamin C spray, which are known for their brightening properties. However, it’s important to note that results may vary and consistency is key when using such spray products for the client.

Can overexposure to UV rays worsen brown spots after a spray tan?

Yes, overexposure to UV rays from the sun or tanning beds can worsen the appearance of brown spots. It’s crucial to protect your skin by wearing sunscreen with an adequate SPF and avoiding prolonged sun exposure. Additionally, using a spray sunscreen can provide added protection for our clients.

Is it normal for my spray tan technician to miss certain areas, leading to uneven coloration and potential brown spots?

While rare, it is possible for a spray tan technician to miss certain areas during application, resulting in uneven coloration and potential brown spots. Communicating your desired outcome to the client beforehand and ensuring thorough application by an experienced technician can minimize these instances.

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